Class LeftOverService_Disco_PwAffine

  • public final class LeftOverService_Disco_PwAffine
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • LeftOverService_Disco_PwAffine

        public LeftOverService_Disco_PwAffine()
    • Method Detail

      • fifoMux

        public static ServiceCurve fifoMux​(ServiceCurve service_curve,
                                           ArrivalCurve arrival_curve)
        Computes the left-over FIFO service curve for a server with the service curve beta experiencing cross-traffic with arrival curve alpha.

        It computes the left-over service curve with the smallest latency T in a worst-case FIFO multiplexing scenario. T is defined as the first time instance when the arrival curve's burst is worked off and its arrival rate is smaller than the service curve's service rate. At this time it can be safely assumed that the system has spare capacity that, in the FIFO multiplexing scheme, will be used to serve other flows' data that arrived in the meantime.

        arrival_curve - The arrival curve of cross-traffic
        service_curve - The server's service curve
        The FIFO service curve
      • arbMux

        public static ServiceCurve arbMux​(ServiceCurve service_curve,
                                          ArrivalCurve arrival_curve)
        Computes the left-over service curve for a server under arbitrary multiplexing with the service curve beta experiencing cross-traffic with arrival curve alpha.
        arrival_curve - The arrival curve of cross-traffic
        service_curve - The server's service curve
        The FIFO service curve
      • computeSpecialValues

        private static org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair<java.lang.Boolean,​ServiceCurve> computeSpecialValues​(ServiceCurve service_curve,
                                                                                                                     ArrivalCurve arrival_curve)
        Try to compute the left-over service curve for special arrival or service curve values like zero or infinite. In case we find infinite service and infinite arrivals, we define the indeterminate form resulting from \infty - \infty as zero service.
        service_curve - The service curve to be subtracted from.
        arrival_curve - The arrival curve to subtract from the service curve.
        A pair consisting of a boolean and a service curve. The boolean indicates the validity of the returned service curve.